The Value of Learning Outdoors
At Seven Stars Kindergarten we are keenly interested in how we, as Kaiako, support children to understand the rich gifts that nature and the outdoors offer. It is part of striving to provide a learning environment that enhances social and emotional competence and engagement.
As part of our Froebel Partnership, we recently presented a research project at the EECERA conference that looks at how how children engage with nature in different contexts, and how we can foster an appreciation and sense of responsibility and guardianship (kaitiakitanga) in line with Froebel, Penetito and matuaranga Māori for children in our setting. Kaitiakitanga is connected closely to our other value of whanaungatanga.
We are interested in how we as kaiako support children to understand and express these values in their outdoor experiences.
Through this research we have been reflecting on our role as kaiako when supporting children’s play outdoors.
-Anne Denham
We have found that our parents often have specific questions about outdoor learning, our excursions and the benefits for their children … we have the answers! Even if your child is not part of the Seven Stars whanau, give us a call or drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you.