Zooming with Soilsafe Aotearoa

Our children are very comfortable with technology as ably demonstrated on a recent Zoom session with Sophia - a scientist from the University of Auckland.

Sophia is part of the Soilsafe Aotearoa team. (She would usually visit us in person but we decided to give Zoom a try as part of minimising the number of new people that come into contact with our children in these COVID-aware times.)

We were so proud of the children who managed well, gathering around to listen, watch and interact with Sophia - they were genuinely interested in what she had to say.

We had the resources that Sophia had dropped off the day before so the children got to look at soil samples, test the ph in water samples and knead and roll some red clay. They learnt about the different colours and textures of soils, what they feel like and the importance of healthy soils.

It was rewarding to later see some of the children having a really close look at the soil in our garden and outside the gate when we went on an excursion later in the day. They were putting their new knowledge straight into practice - another proud kaiako moment for sure!

-Petrea Paterson

Find out more about Soilsafe

Anne Denham